Recreating the Extracellular Matrix

Single Molecule at a Time

Genetic Engineering


Any matrix, for any tissue

  • Advance the regenerative medicine using tissue-specific signaling molecules.

  • Recreate a tissue matrix functionality using adapted plant-derived biopolymers.

  • Increase the velocity of product development in the field of tissue engineering.

  • Phase out laboratory testing on animals.




Create an industry

  • Develop and maintain Good Laboratory and Manufacturing Practices

  • Establish and follow Standard Operating Procedures

  • Present clear career paths with job opportunities for young scientists

  • Increase application diversity via networking and knowledge sharing

  • Build upon existing expertise via joint development projects with R&D institutions

  • Expand the tissue engineering industry




The Extracellular Matrix

  • Develop bio inks, bio resins, nanofibers, microfibers – the chemical building blocks for tissue models

  • Supply the raw materials that enable others to build in vitro organs (in a lab or on a chip)

  • Collaborate with R&D institutions to expand the portfolio of validated tissue engineering products


Harnessing the magic of chemistry to engineer the molecular characteristics of a tissue. On demand!

For their proper functioning, cells belonging to different tissues in the human body have distinct physical, chemical, and biological expectations for their environment. Put simply some cells prefer a rigid habitat, others - compliant; some cells are stimulated by hypoxic conditions, for others - it is deadly; some cells feel home when packed with other similar cells, others prefer to be virtually alone. It is our mission to both be part of the quest to identify each and every single piece of a determinant guiding cell fate, as well as to utilize these determinants to arrive at a tissue (or even an organ) in a lab indistinguishable from, or even superior than, the native human tissue. 


Outgrowing the need for animal testing as an indispensable part of the process of improving human well-being!

We envision a future empowered by limitless tissue engineering capabilities, a future in which the progress in regenerative medicine has made it unfathomable to speak of an organ waiting list or death due to an organ failure, a future in which the role of animals in the development of new health or beauty products has long been forgotten, and these new products are highly personalized to the individual’s idiosyncratic set of traits.


Murad Redzheb


I employ critical thinking tools to counter the numerous cognitive biases to be able to follow the scientific methodology as closely as humanly possible in every aspect of life.

Professional life

  • Studied Ecological Chemistry and Materials Science

  • Obtained his bachelor and masters degree at the Faculty of Chemistry of Sofia University

  • Earned his doctorate in Chemistry at the University of Gent and specialized at imec

  • Contributed to a Bulgarian biotech startup

  • Founded MatriChem

Favorite quote

“The future is already here – it’s just not very evenly distributed.”

William Gibson

Teodora Bobcheva


As a solution-oriented person, I use details to facilitate business, create certainty, negotiate mutually favorable conditions, and mediate possible conflicts.

Professional life

  • Started working in a law firm from the 2nd year in law school

  • Headed the legal department of a major IT company

  • Gained legal ninja skills with a commercial law certificate from LSE

  • Expanded her professional knowledge by attending technical courses

  • Used methodologies in contract drafting that increase business

  • Joined MatriChem as an investment partner and legal advisor

Favorite Quote

“The value in experimentation is not in the trying – it’s in the trying after the experiment fails.”

Simon Sinek


promoting career opportunities in tissue engineering

Graduating Students


building partnerships with institutes and laboratories

R&D Institutions
